As it continues to loose money I think it will go bankrupt and never really make it to a purely online religion/corporation, perhaps different people inside the WT corporation may try to start there own online religion, in fact I would think as they continue to loose money they will also loose control over people, because of selling/liquidating meeting places, and not having Circuit Overseer's(company men) to make sure everyone is obeying the WT corporation.
I don't think they will be able to get that much contributions from the faithful in that future state of affairs so I kind of see them just fizzling out of existence because nobody really gives two shits about them anymore accept some die-hard faithful who are so poor, that they don't have a pot to piss in because they seriously applied WT's financial advice and so their loyalty will bring very little needed money into WT coffers.
For the younger more affluent JWs as news continues to spread about the WT corporations evils many will loose interest and stop traveling to the few and far between meeting places for regular indoctrination sessions, despite all the bullshit that the organization try to shovel their way to keep indoctrinating yourself on a regular basis.